Channel rebranding

Sport come essenza del movimento, azione e forza alla ricerca continua della perfezione nel gesto atletico. La necessità di connotare fortemente ogni sport e, al contempo, lasciare anonimi gli atleti rappresentati, ci ha portato a sviluppare una forma di astrazione innovativa, frutto di una lunga ricerca tecnica e stilistica basata sul dialogo tra software 3d e compositing.

Sport as the essence of motion, action and strength, is the timeless pursuit of perfection in every movement. The need to strongly connote every single sport and, at the same time, to represent the athletes in an anonymous manner, has led us to develop an innovative form of abstraction, resulting from a technical and stylistic research, based on the dialogue between 3d and compositing software.

Live Elements

Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents - low poly
Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents - low poly
Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents - low poly
Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents - low poly
Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents - low poly
Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents - low poly


Creare un’identità visiva unica e riconoscibile, per i canali Premium Calcio e Sport, legata a un sistema infografico più chiaro e pulito. Trasmettere ricchezza, forza e dinamismo.

Design a unique visual identity for both channels, Premium Calcio and Premium Sport, based on a clear and clean infographic system. Communicate richness, power and dynamism.


  • Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents

Making of

  • Monkey Talkie per Mediaset Premium Sport - Broadcast design - TV Branding - Promo - Idents - low poly


CLIENT: Mediaset Premium

EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION: Fabio Iaculli – Matteo Masserani
CREATIVE DIRECTION: Fabio Iaculli – Matteo Masserani
ART DIRECTION & 3D ARTIST: Alina Capellino
ANIMATION: Davide Colombi
ANIMATION: Manuel Giordano